
Learn how to look and feel younger by next year.

We want you to have it all

Vitality through truly sustainable weight loss without hunger  plus greater energy, health, and fitness.  It is NEVER too late.

How do we accoumplish this?

We support you in establishing sustainable habits!  These habits include establishing the right foods in the right balance PLUS the right exercises.


Stop the dieting Yo-Yo. Find sustainable choices.

Fitness for Seniors

It’s Never too late to start.

Feel Better. Look Better.
  Have more energy.



Create enormous wellness benefits more efficiently than with any other type of exercise. MultiFuRE  is Multiplanar Functional Resistance Exercise sessions that include both weight resistance and cardio interval training. Hundreds of workouts that focus on your fitness level.  Excellent options for those over 45.


 Feel stronger and younger next year.  Register for free now! Let’s GO.

Already registered?  Choose your workout now.


Real Work. Real Results.


Satiety means a completely satisfied appetite as it speeds metabolism. Eat fewer calories than you burn without getting hungry. This results in sustainable weight loss

Learn how our Eat As Much As You Want (EAMAYW) Program stops the dieting Yo Yo.


Lose weight. Keep it off. LET’S GO


End the Dieting Yo Yo

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

I began a national weight loss program (not EAMAYW®) five months ago. I lost about 30 pounds in three months but then I plateaued. It seemed that no matter how little I ate, I was stuck. I was puzzled, because I was only consuming about 500 calories a day.  Then I switched to EAMAYW®. I learned that how I balance each meal makes a huge difference.  With the other diet, my metabolism had crashed.  With EAMAYW®, I eat far more, and I started losing weight again. The old plan had put my body into ‘starvation mode.’ EAMAYW® has revved my metabolism up again, so the weight is melting away, and I’m learning how to keep it off. Best of all, I never have to be hungry. I am now up to 41 total pounds lost in five months. My friends tell me I look more fit than I ever have before and I feel better than I have in 15 years.

Joyce Chandler

I knew within the first half hour with Jim that I had finally met someone who not only understood what was going on with my body, but also knew what to do to fix it… Within three months of making that first call, I had lost 27 pounds, 5 inches from my hips, 3.5 inches from my waist, and 2 inches from my thighs! I love the way I feel and how much energy I have.  I feel good knowing that I’m taking care of my body. I love the taste of food now that I am no longer eating the “junk” that I was eating before, and I love the freedom of knowing that I can do the things I enjoy.  Best of all, I have used Jim’s EAMAYW® system for the past 18 months since I first reached my ideal weight, and I am still there. This is true sustainable weight loss.  Thank you, Jim!

Nancy Grojean

Certified Life Coach